Family Assessment Support Homicide
The HUB uses this assessment form to offer ‘peer support’ and advice under the roof the HUB. It will also identify concerns and a family’s additional needs in order to provide more accurate hands on service for the whole of a victim’s family of homicide and culpable road death. Families Fighting for Justice are here to support you and each of your family members once we have identified from your form any areas where support and advice is most needed.
We understand every part of your emotional roller coaster ride journey. Once you have helped us to fill out the assessment form, we will start helping you as we listen to your needs.
The HUB is a ‘One Stop Shop’ no appointment needed. We are open five days a week 9.30am to 4pm. We also offer a 24hr help/listening line. We know only too well there are days when you are unable to keep appointments this is why The HUB is that place that you can turn to without making or breaking appointments.
‘No one should have to suffer in silence’
Phone Number 0151 709 2994
24 HR PHONE/HELPLINE NO 07740149899
Email: homicideteam@homicidesupporthub.org
Visit: homicidesupporthub.org
Visit: familiesfightingforjustice.org
Visit: ourlostloveyears.co.uk